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Anglophile addicted to tea

After Marcel Franken had studied anthropology he made an unexpected move.  Coincidence does not exist. During holidays, but also when he did his research into Scottish local politics tea breaks were always the highlights of the days.

When he visited yet another tea shop he figured out how nice it would be to start something like that at home in the Netherlands.

He didn’t want to be stuck to one certain place, so he squeezed all the requirements for a proper tea party in  his Morris Minor Traveller (a charming British classic car from 1962).

It was a great success.  Tea Traveller was from then on serious business!

Tea, Please

I’ve taken tea on Bahrain’s isle,
Sri Lanka and Hong-Kong,
Where desert sands run mile on mile
And sunlight’s powerful strong;
Tea from the galley in our plane
Gave ease when flights were long.
In tropic heat, in freezing rain
The tea-cup came along.

Tea in Japan, tea in Malay,
Tea in Aden’s heat.
At cricket on a summer’s day
A tea is hard to beat.
And I remember taking tea in the land of Lorna Doone
With Devon cream – just you and me
Whilst on our honeymoon.

(Jasper Miles, 1994)